Kickstart 2022 with Health and Wellbeing
Published on 14 January 2022
How’s this year starting for you? Are you refreshed by the summer break and the beautiful weather? Have you spent some time in nature? Do you feel nurtured by family, friends and great fresh food – ready to go back to work?
If you’re feeling more overwhelmed than refreshed, or you’re fine right now but know you need to take proactive action to keep your resilience up – this message is for you!
Many senior managers are already feeling bogged down by covid issues and questions. Staff are resigning, putting added pressure on resourcing, and many managers are finding their teams are having issues with covid tests, quarantine and the supply chain. If you’re already feeling worn out – you need to plan for success by developing a proactive wellbeing plan.
Signs to Watch Out For
These can be some of the signs of poor mental health and wellbeing – managers should seek to get people some extra support if they notice these signs
- Withdrawal - people avoiding contact with others (face to face and on zoom, phone etc)
- Lack of productivity and focus, being unable to complete their work
- Aggression and hostility, short tempers
- Excessive weight gain or weight loss, poor nutrition, turning to comfort foods or not eating
- Extreme tiredness indicating lack of sleep
- Extreme exercise – especially in hot weather
- Talk of resigning, “what’s the point”, or suicide
- Mention of home or work difficulties or relationship issues, divorce, separation, or financial difficulties.
Sign up for Mental Health and Wellbeing Mentoring
Now is the time to sign up for mental health and wellbeing mentoring. You can start with a free appointment, to identify your main issues of concern (work-related and personal) and develop your wellbeing and mental health plan, courtesy of the Southern Business Mentoring Program.
Whether you wish to:
- Proactively plan to build psychological wellbeing for yourself, your team or organisation
- Coach managers how to identify and manage signs of distress and people not coping
- Address individual mental health and wellbeing issues and build a proactive wellbeing plan.
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Team is here for you, with specialists in psychology at work, positive psychology and NLP. We can listen, we can facilitate your planning and we can help you support your people’s wellbeing.
Request your first free appointment now via this link.
Contact Bridget Hogg, HR Development Australia, on 0477 016966 with any questions and to organise ongoing mental health and wellbeing mentoring to support you this year.